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What makes American media touted the President's goal of War on Terror as "building democracy in the Middle East" with words such as "lofty" and "noble", and only with slight mumbling of "too ambitious" if this is not propaganda to fool the public. People in any country desire prosperity, unity, stability and collective security over the hollow "democracy", just like George Washington said when there were only 13 United States in North America. Are the Americans thinking that only Americans are the man of the "all men are created equal" and all the people in the other nations are less of a man in the sense of "all men are created equal"? Is "democracy" really such a precious asset for any other nation that it worth breaking its national unity, stability and individual safety to achieve? How many countries can you name that are under democracy in this world and have the privilege of enjoying the prosperity at the same level of the USA? That should be sufficient proof that democracy alone does not bring prosperity, stability and collective safety and therefore not always desirable over all other things.

It was God who gave America all the prosperity she has today not democracy, but now US has a president who thinks he is the only one getting divine instructions from the God and want to spread democracy in the Middle East. He said on TV that he does not consult with his father elder Bush but "appeal to a higher father". He also said that he does not listen to "intellectuals", in other words, he only listens to "none-intellectuals" like himself or people who watched cowboy movies? Yet, such a man was elected to the highest office in the country twice. If there is not a super turbo charged brainwash going on in United States under the democracy, I don't know what else can be called brainwash. Almost all the conservative radio talk shows keep on labeling "mainstream" media in United States as being "liberal" and incite the "common man" to ignore the "intellectuals". Let me tell you where I have seen this before. This is the common practice that I was very familiar with when growing up in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. But I have never read anything in American media mentioning that Cultural Revolution and Chairman Mao's later part of political life had been denounced officially by Chinese Communist party, since American people need to be let known that communist parties are evil. I felt like stepping away from one brainwashed environment turning towards freedom and walking into another free environment that is turning into increasingly brainwashed.

Since America was a country enjoying most amount of freedom in the world in the last couple of decades, there are still many people in the world eager to get brainwashed by American ideas and cultures, including top Iranian universities using English to teach classes. But are Americans equally open to be brainwashed by any knowledge from any other culture? Definitely not, for that will make a "great Americans" turning into an "intellectual", or a "liberal sissy", said those well learned "intelligent" voices pretending to be "common man" on air in the radio or TV stations. The sad thing is true "common men" are easy to be persuaded into not doing much thinking, because laziness is one of the prevalent human natures. The deeds of the intellectual "common men" are worse than "blind leading the blind and both will fall into the ditch". These are the deeds of the people with good eyes leading the blinds into the ditch to make a buck or two, if this is not brainwash then what is?

If brainwashed mobs and general public are depressing phenomenon to see, brainwashed world leaders are even more dangerous. For the title "world leader" comes with privileges and responsibilities. Right before American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin described it seemed then that every British citizen was addressing colonists in North America as 'our subjects over there in the new world'. Nowadays Americans pretty much view everybody outside of the United States as 'our subjects'. You can hear American people talking about how to shape many other countries of this world, but I couldn't help notice, many of those talkers talking about other countries could not speak many languages let alone make conversation in many languages. If someone wants to plan the future for other countries, don't you think it's important to learn about those other countries first? And if one wants to know about another country, don't you think at least learning the country's languages and thoughts not relying on secondhand learning is important?

I have heard the stories recently about an American restaurant owner trying to ask customers to speaking English or get out. I whole heartedly supported that guy if he was running the government, because I thought every country has the right to use only one official language and felt odd that state of Ohio, a state that far from state of Texas, tried to debate whether Spanish should be included as the second official language. I couldn't vote, but did pay taxes and thought that was a waste of tax payer money. Working in Canada, every web site design and development projects for the government always required French in addition to English. For smaller budgets than their US equivalent, I always thought it strange to have double amount of the bilingual pages.

But in private, I question American's lack of willingness to learn other languages. Many foreigners have no problem learning English, speaking English when Americans go visit their countries, have you ever asked why? In fact many foreign countries are actively seeking good English teachers for people who are living outside of the USA and many of the American English teachers were more sought after than British English teachers, have you asked why? If Americans keep it up going to other parts of the world to be the ruler and treat other people as subjects, without learning a thing or two about those countries, starting from their languages. Let's see how much longer the rest of the world would want to learn American English? When the day come and people no longer want to speak English or come to visit here, then quoting Lord Jesus Christ: "they have their rewards".

Take Iraq for instance, what percentage of Americans know whether people living there are Arabs or Persians? Do they speak Arabic or Farcies or other languages? By now, probably many people started to hear the terms Shiite and Sunnis, is that really the major difference amongst the Iraqi people?

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan, who is likely to side with who?"

Outside of the car window from a long distance, David could see downtown stadiums and he started to ask:

"Are the Texans still losing a lot this year"?

"Yes, the sure are" Bud appeared to be paying attention only to the road.

I remember there was a guy names something like Steve Chabot, who was running for US congressman used to show up at the gate of the Cincinnati Bengals' games to shake voters' hands in the 90's. Cincinnati Bengals in the 90's was just about as bad as today's Texans. For the fans rooting for a bad football team, they get to vote for Senators who would advertise to work for them in Washington on TV and in front of a stadium gate.

Bud seemed to started paying attention when the conversation was no longer about Iraq, and said: "yes, football is American's favorite pass time so politicians want to show up at the football stadiums no matter how bad the local football team happened to be, as long as there are fans".


