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Curretz asked David to wait for a while like he did when he denied David's entry several weeks before, and headed to a mysterious office to research again. On the way to the office, he was stopped by a Mexican family angrily asking him how long they would have to wait. This is a Mexican family of 4, one old gentleman, one young gentleman and his wife along with a toddler boy in a stroller. The only female passenger in the group was particularly emotional and couldn't keep her voice down. She asked Curretz: "We were here yesterday. You told us to wait and find a hotel. We are here today again, and you are still telling us to wait. How much longer do we have to wait for you to check the background of my dad?" Curretz answered with a smart manner and a cyclical logic of Donald Rumsfeld in his reply: "it will take as long as it takes, until we are absolutely sure your dad is not the person whom we suspect who he is". He then continued with authoritative tone: "your dad has a common name that is the same as other people with criminal records".

David listened from 20 feet away couldn't help but thinking: "not the name crap again". And since he did not submit the Chinese writing of his name at the border and this old gentleman's name must have been spelled in Latin characters, he felt that they both lost a defense of name variation could be lost in translation. But he couldn't fail to notice that his fingerprints were never used to identify him at the border, even though he had submitted his fingerprints since a decade ago to various immigration agencies and had submitted his fingerprints to this exact airport after the "fingerprints for everyone from 3rd world countries, then to others" policy had been announced after 9/11. Some people protested the policy as violating their privacy, but David would have happily begged these border agents to simply violate his privacy and use his fingerprints at will, if they could just cut this "identical name" crap and save him some time and the trouble of missed flights.

It appeared that border agents solemnly asked foreign nationals to press their fingerprints in an effort to defend their border if that particular foreign national never had a fingerprint done before, and then just stashed those fingerprints away and never to put them in any practical use. If this is not dogmatic doctrinism and bureaucracy, it is hard to find another example.

Through a further raised voice beyond anger, David heard the Mexican woman demanding a series of answers from officer Curretz: "You know that we are flying to Mexico City, we are not even staying in US. We are only passing by. You know my Dad's name is very common in Mexico, what should we do? Change his name?" Officer Curretz was not backing down, and said: "Yes. Your father's name is Jose Garcia, that guy's name is Da Chen. People like you guys should change your names if you want to enter United States without trouble. Otherwise we just have to go through what we have to go through to protect our borders". David thought to himself, "Yeah right, what if I show up at the US border with my Chinese appearance and a legally changed very rarely seen name such as 'Kaliff Adihan Wofenwotzen' on my passport? That will be the day, won't it?"

"But we are not entering United States" the woman protested. "No, no, no, no, no. People usually get to Canada precisely for the purposes of entering the United States . . ." agent Curretz tried to flex his intellectual power again and the woman flew into rage and started cursing in Spanish, which David had no clue what they were talking about. Office Curretz also started cursing in Spanish too and two of them eventually had to be separated and calmed down by other border agents along with the women's husband. Although not understanding what they were cursing each other of, but David finally started to realize that office Curretz was probably Mexican descent. Earlier David wasn't sure whether he was Native American or Mexican descent merely judging by his appearances. He remembered an old saying: "Sometimes, no other creature could be crueler to the same race or species than one of their own".

Another 20 minutes later, office Curretz came back and handed David another note: "You are eligible to enter the US but your request for a TN-1 visa is being denied at this time because your offer of employment letter does not follow the NAFTA guidelines. You may overcome this decision by presenting an offer of employment letter following NAFTA guidelines".

David knew there is no point talking to officer Curretz anymore. While Curretz was refreshing his Spanish skills with Jose Garcia's daughter, David saw a poster on the wall with 3 good looking male and female statue-like Department of Homeland Security and Border Protection agents with amiable but business like images. The images reminded him of the Soviet Union style modeled workers that he was used to see in the high school he attended and so do the slogans after it:

We are the face of our nation

One face at the border

Total commitment to professionalism
A world class law enforcement agency

Pledge to travelers

We pledge to cordially greet you to the United States
We pledge to treat you with courtesy, dignity and respect


