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Einstein with his publication of his theory of relativity changed the way people look at heavenly or earthly objects, or measure the movements of things in the universe.  Instead of measuring things against a imagined big background of 'ever existing' 'never changing' space and time, physicist began to observe everything relative to the only constant that could be found in the v=d/t equation, which was the speed of light traveling in the vacuum.  The theory of relativity is a mathematical description of how people "view" this illusion which we call the "universe" that every 'space' and 'time' resides in (上下四方称为宇, 古往今来谓之宙).  The speed of light is not really a speed in traditional sense either, it is actually an attribute of the universe that we live in as calculated by another older and famous physicist guy -- James  Clerk Maxwell -- as a 'electromagnetic constant'.   
The predictions by Einstein's theory of relativity was astonishing to the entire mankind at first but gradually observed and proved one by one.  That observations prompted more strange theories such as: 'we live in multiple universes that are happening at the same time, and in countless number of places'; 'everything is happening at the same time and happening everywhere'.  Yet more and more people look at it Theory of Relativity, more convincing the theory is becoming." 
Wise Guy tried to recollect how the Theory of Relativity went and started talking to himself slowly:  
"I remember this simpler version of the theory of relativity is the "special theory of relativity".  It is based on two assumptions: 1) every observer and every reference point has no special privilege  2) speed of light traveling in vacuum is the only constant in the universe (as introduced by Maxwell).  Then we will see:  
like you said earlier, fixing the 'v' velocity, now we see both 't' time and 'd' distance become flexible, illusionary and uncertain.  Using the formal scientific languages, these phenomenon are called: time dilation and length contraction.  The time and distance between a fast moving observer and a relatively slower moving observer both 'space' and 'time' need to have a conversion factor of γ.  This γ is defined by a mathematician called Lorentz to calculate how much changes length or time could happen in the eyes of audiences during magic tricks. Most of us have experienced how same size boxes and shapes can appear bigger or smaller than they actually are because of backgrounds put in the stage, and such visual effects can be calculated. Lorentz coversion originally was designed to culculate how much illusions eyes will see in two fast moving trains, or traveling airplanes if Einstein had air planes to work with, since he was chasing higher speed.
γ = 1/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2) 
This equation is the mathematical description of something that had been quite a popular belief in the Chinese novel 西游记 that a day in the heaven is happening while a year's worth of events are unfolding on the Earth (天上一天,人间一年 or 不知天上宫阙,今宵是何年).  Come to think of it, such concept is not strange in the Western culture either, as Greek, Romans, British all wrote in their literatures as beings living in the heaven appear to be forever young, while human beings on the earth turn from 'ashes to ashes and dusts to dusts'." 

