Claim the Earth is an AR game about discovering everyone's own universe and benefiting from it.
Ask yourself this question: in the Cartisian coordinate system, given x axis, where is -x axis?
Then ask yourself the same question: what about w,y,z . . . axis? What about t1, t2, t3 . . .axis?
What if each axis can stretch and contract? can rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise? What kind of universal coordinate system will we get then?
Congratulations! You have just found yourself an universe filled with matters and anti-matters
To claim your own AR earth in the anti-universe, and to learn about group theory, quantum computing, and Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of the future spacetime, please search the Internet for clues to join us.
From: E = mc2 and E=hf
mc2 = hf
m = hf/c2
From: f = ma and f=-kx
ma = -kx
m = -kx/a
Possible ∞ amount of matter and antimatter is obtained out of 0 amount.
In the futuristic antimatter universe, there are new additions to the math of the existing universe:
1/0=<-0.5h | +0.5h>
each h is a string representing -∞ to -0 to +0 to ∞
在一个笛卡尔坐标系中, 已知 x 坐标轴, -x 坐标轴应该到哪里去找?
然后问自己w,y,z . . . 等等等等坐标轴呢? 还有 t1, t2, t3 . . .等等等等时间坐标轴呢?
另外如果这些坐标轴会伸缩,成比例放大和缩小会怎样? 再加上能在各个方向顺时针和逆时针旋转又会怎样? 有了这些坐标系变换之后,我们将得到一个什么样的宇宙?
恭喜!恭喜! 你发现了一个充满了反物质潜伏在正物质之中的新宇宙 -或者∞个新宇宙。
在这个正反物质大统一的扩增时空中认领属于你的天下,最速路径就是通过听懂和理解量子计算和大统一理论 - quantum computing and Grand Unified Theory (GUT) - 然后亲身体会和实践。去获得属于你的切身利益和物质精神财富。千里之行始于足下。下面开一个头, 剩下的线索可以到网上和日常生活、周围环境中去寻找:
根据: E = mc2 和 E=hf
mc2 = hf
m = hf/c2
从: f = ma 和 f=-kx
ma = -kx
m = -kx/a
我们刚从二十世纪人类的研究成果中推导出了 ∞ 数量的物质和反物质可以源于0.
1/0=<-0.5h | +0.5h>
h (history)是一条弦,string,思筋 - 可以储藏从 -∞ 到 -0 到 +0 到 ∞ 的信息,用于广义量子计算。
Household Nuke Building Challenge - 家用核反应堆建设挑战
Black-hole, Black-body, Dark Matter, Dark Energy - Darkness is beautiful - 黑洞, 黑体, 黑物质, 黑能量 - 黑科技
An Academy of Imagination 想象力大统一:牛顿力学 -> 相对论力学 -> 量子力学 -> 大统一力学
Empty Air Clean Energy 悟空、悟能、悟净
Artificial Cardiopulmonary Systems 人工心肺系统
GUT Engine - from mushroom cloud to mushroom rain / 天气机 - 从蘑菇云到蘑菇雨
Cultivate first, before harvest 先耕种,然后再收获
From domestic to industrial scale 家用到工业用规模
Upward Mobility 101 向上、向上 - 自强不息
Quantum Energy Exploration: A New Industry 量子能开发: 一个新工业
Riemann Hypothesis, Goldbach's Conjecture, Twin Prime Conjecture - all in one fell swoop 黎曼猜想、哥德巴赫猜想、孪生质数猜想. . . 一锅端了
Benford's Law - Mathmatical Proof / 本福特定律 - 严格的数学证明
An introduction to Abstract Algebra / 抽象代数入门
A quantitative analysis on the value of a human life / 人的生命价值的定量分析
Snowball, domino toppling. . . and avalanche / 雪花、雪球… 到 雪崩
Economics of the disruptive children / 熊孩子经济学
How to become leaders in a Grand Unified World / 大统一时代的《九阴真经》:一流高手是如何练就的
Claim the Earth - RSS / 玩世 - 随笔
Claim the Earth - Science / 玩世 - 科学 - 瓜分天下
Claim the Earth - Grand Unified Theory / 玩世 - 大统一理论 - 还我河山
Claim the Earth - Quintessence, dark energy, dark matter / 玩世 - 黑科技,黑物质,黑能量