东临碣石有遗篇 萧瑟秋风今又是 换了人间David thought Chinese American of the generation X really had no rights to criticize immigrants of generation Y or Z for failing to learn the essence of both their residing and ancestral countries and cultures. After all, if not forced or reinforce by tests and quizzes, how many students really want to learn anything extra? It is even natural for kings, queens, prince and princess not to learn all they had to learn from their forefathers, considering they would have a lot more to lose. Chinese commoners like to mock one of the most notoriously incompetent kings in their history as a king that can not be helped to even stand up (扶不起的阿斗). But what was required for the incompetent king by his father on his deathbed was simply too much of a task to be carried out by any one. The will of the old dying king was this: "don't commit a small crime, just because you think it wouldn't hurt much; and don't refuse to carry out a good deed when you think it wouldn't help much 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之". It turned out the wish was very easy for a dying man to say, but it was too difficult for the entire mankind in general to put into action, therefore no individual or country had ever been able to stay out of trouble for a long time. Not long after the arduous windy and rainy season in Vancouver spring passed, the great Pacific Northwest summer suddenly arrived. Such is the kind of climate greatly influenced ocean current. More people are wearing smiles on their faces in their streets, and there were also better moods in the Chen family too. One day, Jade cracked open a broad smile while reading an email from her university friends asking if she would like to attend the 20 year anniversary of their college entrance. Since David was born in the same year as Jade and entered another Chinese university in the same year not far away from where she lived, both of them started to feel old, older and very old. They both felt the irresistible aging process coming upon them and it appeared not only their body stopped growing, but the same amount of food that used to be digest and consume the same day were now accumulating in those strategic places of their body to make them look further and further away from their youth. Such problem are common for people living in countries with ample supply of food and their biological clocks are ticking towards their final decay, as sure as many philosophical and profound natural phenomenon, such as river rushing to the sea. Jade casually picked up a used book titled "Irish Poems" that she bought from the community library "used book" shelf, and started reading: Lament Youth and brightness are overthrown With diamond scepter and gilded throne Like well worn stones, its turrets are humbled All has crumbled but grief alone. "What can be more appropriate than this poem describing you and me and my whole class? Maybe, I should just print it and frame it and then send it to my class reunion"? David couldn't agree more. Things such as "youth", "passion", "friendship" of their past, whether faded away and disappeared or fermented into strong and tasteful alcohols stored in the cellar of their memories, were all natural formats of decay nevertheless. For David's class, no body remembered that year was their 20th college entrance anniversary. For Jade's class if it weren't for certain classmates perished tragically, nobody would have been interested in organizing such an event of reunion either. David went along with his wife and said: "Not only did your classmates grow old that way; many other things that we witness in the last 20 years went down the same path too. Do you remember the end of cold war, first Gulf War, collapse of the Soviet Union, dismantling of Berlin Wall, all the way to .com, 9/11, the second Gulf war and now closing of the U.S. border? I guess we all live under the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system, entropy would just continue to increase and time arrow would always coincide with the direction of the entropy increase like that Stephen Hawking guy said."