"No, just some facts and histories, I meant more lies" David continued: "because of the success of Newtonian theory in predicting movements of stars, the Earth and the Moon, many mathematicians in the 17th, 18th century thought it might have been possible to predict human behavior and society with math. George Boole, who Boolean variable was named after was one of such famous mathematicians. But their mathematical theory did not go very far, because their math was too strict and lacked that illusionary factor from wonderful observations in Relativity and Quantum physics". Wise Guy thoughtfully brought about his share of scientific observations and factual statements. He said slowly: "Cool, you got a lot of grounds covered. As most scientific theories go, one needs to make certain assumptions first. Second step is to propose theories and then observe and prove the theory to be valid. Your assumptions were the two theories, coincidentally as the foundations of the 20th century science: 'all observers are merely relative to each other with no one having special privileges', 'uncertain principle and God does roll dice when it was in such a small world that no lights can measure precisely', meshing those two principles together, many of the famous remarks by different kinds of famous people at different historical moments can be explained. First of all 'history is a set of lies agreed upon' and 'imagination rules the world'. Since universe is the total of all of the space and time that lights can measure, space and time are no different in essence. When the big bang happened, it went this way and that way and probably went different ways at the same time, but since we the humans living in this universe we only see what we see. Everything is a illusion and everything is relative with nothing being more superior or inferior than another, even though observers won't agree. Laws of physics, laws of chemistry, laws of mother nature, laws of politics, laws of religion, laws of sports, laws of arts, laws of history, laws of economics, laws of war, laws of making a living, laws of love, laws of crime, laws of healthcare, laws of human body, laws of animal world, laws of office work, laws of friendship, laws of happiness, laws of suffering . . . everything follows the theory of relativity and uncertainty principle. They are all illusions and like Earnest Hemingway said: 'what is not the opium of the people'? Since space and time are illusions, or perceptions rather, they can be replayed over and over again. Mankind dreamed about time travel, but they would not be able to experience that until they can truly experience the space travel at least out of our Milky Way galaxy. When that time come, they may still make the same mistake as Columbus did, by mistakening American Indians as the Indian Indians. Theory of relativity also predicted that having a vessel approaching the speed of light would be next to impossible, contrary to the belief of most romantic artists who did not carefully studied theory of relativity. All of the space travel and time travel are illusions and will probably forever be. We can believe space and time are the same thing, but would possibly never be able to experience 'one day in the heaven is equivalent to one year on earth'. Nevertheless, the time dilation still exists. We will never truly see how the time replay works until we can travel far, far away, but mankind have not been to anywhere in the heaven other than the Moon, therefore it is difficult to comment on the effect of seeing history of another universe. On the other hand, one cannot deny they are seeing the history replaying itself over and over again, just by stepping into the streets and observe, although we don't know how the reply of the history happened either." David said: "We probably don't need to know how history keeps on repeating itself, as that gangster John Herbert Dillinger said 'we don't need to worry, God will set us all straight in the end'. Sage and philosophers from the East and the West all told us to be humble therefore humans should not try to understand how the world of God works, or how the dice of quantum effects were triggering this avalanche of time repeats. We know God roll the dice at a scale of elementary particles in quantum physics and we know that quantum effects can have snowball effects that trigger avalanches that cause we see what we see. We can only describe what we see. When we grew up in China during the 1960's and 70's, we saw cultural revolution. When youngsters growing up in Taiwan today, they see culture revolution in their island. When American grow up tomorrow, they will probably see culture revolution in their country too." Wise Guy inserted one phrase: "Then there are the wars and famines that are played out over and over again in Africa". "Oh, yes indeed. Tell me about it" David said. "The deja vu happens almost constantly. In fact, I can't recall a moment in my life especially as of lately that we haven't seen or encountered before. Slow events such as those happening in geology, a river can cut through sandstones and form a canyon, then form a strait or even become an ocean, much like Grand Canyon, into East African gorge, Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. A large body ocean can do the reverse, much like Mediterranean Sea, Dead Sea or smaller and less know places like some small lakes somewhere.