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"I know you are going to say that, but in the meantime 'everything is new' too.  Or rather the fact that 'everything can appear to be new' is 'nothing new under the Sun' either.  You can go on and on and on with such logic tricks" Wise Guy added. 
"Right.  Any so-called truth can always be spun, twisted to appear to be new.  Love, hate and aroused passion packaged in new wrappers can always mesmerize younger generations, like new rock stars can always make a new generation of boys and girls go on drugs.  We need a new set of math to describe the world that we live in.  In such a new set of math, algebra would include numbers with n/0 as the unit of illusionary number 'h' which stands for that easily distorted 'history'." 
"I am still not totally convinced about the need for such an 'illusionary', 'history' number" Wise Guy shook his head. 
"I am not sure either, but it meant something".  David asserted firmly: "If you look at history, many breakthroughs came out of people who just think opposite to common observation.  n/0 should not mean anything, what if it does? An apple falling from the sky should hit you head, what if it flew upward? Ground is flat, what if it is curved? Square root of -1 is not possible, what if it meant something? Time goes along the with age and chaos, what if time brings along birth and rejuvenation?  What I was asking is not creative, just a little bit of copying other students' homework to fake my own, and even that trick isn't new under the Sun either." 
"Well, if that's the case, I have to agree that you are a good student of science and did not waste your years developing scientific theory after graduation" Wise Guy conceded. 
"What's more in the new set of math, we need new geometry different from Euclidian geometry.  A dot is not really a static dot, the dot is constantly bouncing around, disappearing and appearing everywhere, every moment, like a cloud of electrons.  A line is not really a line, it is a sometimes curving, sometimes straightening, waving, lashing kind of line all the time.  A plane is not really a plane in traditional sense either, it is sometime warped, sometime flattened, convex, concaved morphing and changing plane that extends everywhere like a genie coming out of a bottle in the Arabian Nights.  Such shifting, fleeting, morphing objects can be said of anything, anywhere and any events.  At last such geometry could be used to describe every life as a cloud of small vibrating bouncing balls, electrons, atoms, like a fog of beads or water drops spilling out of a bag constantly, not knowing when to evaporate.  Such a complex geometry should be called 'a show about nothing' geometry or in Chinese as 对酒当歌人生几何.  How is that?"  David paused and saw his friend clapping his hands slowly and not so heavily saying in the Jerry Seinfeld tone:  "I think you really got something here.  That is very cool!". 
David grinned and said: "I thought you would like it.  Trying to use mathematics and physics to describe life and society is not something new under the sun either.  You learned a little bit of computer programming before and I bet you remember this thing called Boolean variable, do you?" 
"Yes, I remember that thing.  Do you have more interesting ideas?"  Wise Guy asked. 

