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The part of theory of relativity that most contradict to our daily observation is the elimination of 'time' in our traditional sense.  But more we look at it, more real is such disappearances, as long as we do not narrow our focus on the immediately surroundings and think further about all we have heard and seen over times.  If we take a closer look at words that are spelled as 'past', 'present', 'now' or 'future', what has been is what will be and what has been done is that which shall be done, there is nothing new under the sun.  The theory of relativity along with other laws of physics such as quantum theory are beaming their lights into our daily lives like twinkle, twinkle little stars every-time and everywhere.  There is nothing new under the sun and everything is relative under the light." 
Wise Guy thought his friend made a good opening statement and urged his friend to go on sharing his newly formed view of the world.  David obliged:  
"I used to see the world as flat as a child, just like most other children do.  But after teachers told me that the Earth is in fact a big round ball of dusts, ashes, pebbles, rocks, salt and water, I was convinced of it.  Now I see the earth as a round spherical planet, along with most of the people with education, reason and logic, especially after taking flights along with oceanic currents.  We don't see air around us, but we can feel it is everywhere when we try to hold our breath.  We don't see gravity around as, but we always feel it when trying to leap upward or jump from point A to point B.  We didn't feel that human evolved from monkeys or chimpanzees, but when Darwin published his work, many people started believing it.  We did not feel that time and history is all but an illusion, but Einstein pointed it out at the beginning of 20th century.  Now if you look at everything happening around you, this illusion effect of time is actually quite observable." 
Wise Guy contested: "I believe in theory of relativity, but don't believe you can see it here or there.  After all, I do need to watch out for time and catch my flight to Beijing and you need to watch the clock so can go home one time and your wife won't get mad".  David drank some water and said: "Well, I thought we are just talking B.S. here.  You don't think I believe what I am saying, do you?  I am a liar after all. I am just trying to make my B.S. piled with truth and sage remarks.  'Everything I have ever said has been a lie, right?'"  "Correct.  Go on." Wise Guy acquiesced again. 
David was quite excited to start about the topic of lying.  "Everything I have every said was a lie.  That is actually a famous line in the movie Star Trek, which I heard after coming to US.  Came to think of it, you guys prepared me for greatness since I was a kid.  'Everything I have ever said was a lie' in computer science is a hacker technique called 'buffer overflow'.  If you tell a computer 'everything I have ever said was a lie', then this computer would not know whether to trust you or not.  Out of the confusion, a hacker can feed the computer some random instructions, which may possibly be carried out for further hacking, a sort of like a snow ball effect, starting with a small disturbance of a pebble". 
"Many of the computer buffer overflows went to the technique of letting the computer calculating a meaningless mathematical equation such as n/0.  But what if the n/0 has meanings?  What if an apple falling from the tree was flying upward, that was the clue to a new theory.  What if n/0 has meanings and what is this n/0?  When we count beans, grains or stones, we use simple integers 1, 2, 3.  Many ancient tribes people thought there was not even such a need to have the number '0', until some smart tribe thought there is such needs for a number that represents 'emptiness', 'nothingness'.  I can still remember many kids asking why in the world there would be such needs to have numeric values in decimal or fractions.  When we were ready to cut pies or count dollars and cents, we would realize that fractions, decimals and percentages were indeed indispensible.  Otherwise, we would not be living in such a nice and productive business world that we have been living in with Wall Street, Dow Jones Industrial market, NASDAQ and all those nice casinos.  Once in a blue moon, there were people came up with "imaginary numbers".  At the beginning, the entire world believed that having an 'imaginary number' i that equals to the square root of -1 was a nonsense and it was completely unnecessary.  It was after the frenzy of studying electricity, magnetism were started, it came to the era of modern physics, that people found the mathematically language needed to describe electromagnetism are dependent on imaginary numbers.  But what do you think is the greatest number of all numbers, like that famous phrase in Lord of the Rings 'one ring rules them all', what type of number is the number that 'one number rules them all'?" 
 Wise Guy thought for a moment and said: "do you mean '0'?" 
"Yes", David nodded firmly. "The greatest number of all that God has ever bestowed upon mankind or if it was invented by human being, is this number 'zero', because it is both a 'real number' and an 'imaginary number' too.  It felt like everything in the world came out of zero, zilch, none, emptiness.  And, ladies and gentleman, that is the believe that almost every great faith in the world was based on, such as: all is vanity; 万事皆空;太极生两仪;'in the beginning, God created the world out of nothing'.    While many Chinese or Asian folks in general often admire and envy the great technological and scientific achievements by folks in the Western countries, one surprise I ran into while going through the educational system of the American graduate schools was that I found 'imaginary number' was no longer introduced in high school.  Its understand and it applications are no longer tested even in graduation level exams.  Good Christian folks in the West just don't like anything imaginary any more, even though they were the ones introduced such concepts to the East.    

