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"OK, I got your point.  Man cannot look beyond things that light speed cannot catch, 'everything is relative' and all that.  What's new."  Wise Guy sipped at his drink casually.  David talked as if taking a break from intense concentration and replied casually: "There is nothing new.  There is nothing new under the sun.  Since I deal with translation and missing links resulted in translation everyday by living overseas, I believe this was a loss of translation or added interpretations on the subject of freedom, democracy or even cleanliness and purity of a government.  By the way, 'there's nothing new under the sun' really was a bad translation of: 'there's nothing new under the light', as God wanted to enlighten our humans."  
"Interesting" Wise Guy went along with his friend, still with no focus in his eyes as if he was going to take a mental break and enjoy the beautiful Seattle summer afternoon, but David continued to express himself.  
""There is nothing new under the light' happens both in a grant scale and at a microscopic scale.  Theory of Relativity created this model of big explosion, and also created this small point when explosion started.  Often you can hear priests and preachers talking about that little singular point where Big Bang started as the moment and the place of the creation described by Bible in Genesis.  Not many people wanted to accept the idea that the whole universe did not have a point of creation, even if they are in good spirit of believing 'relativity' and nothing is special.  Just like not many people want to think about the mathematical meaning of n/0, except computer hackers, gamblers or get something from nothing sinners.  'Buffer over flow',  'too good to be true' scams or 'next generation will be better forever and ever' promises were all equations to calculate n/0 or trying to explode something out of nothing.  But at certain moments, when conditions are ripe, it did seem as if n/0 has its meanings, just like fractions, decimals, and square root of -1.  There is really nothing new under the light. 
Going back to revisit that limit of "there is nothing new under the light".  Can brains figure out that brains cannot contemplate?  Can common mortals measure something that are much smaller than the marks printed at the edge of a ruler?  How small can those marks of the measuring instruments be?  Can people ever measure objects that are way smaller than the smallest mark human can possibly make?  That smallest mark could be made by human is by the wave length of electromagnetic wave.   
Although Einstein included declared 'God does not roll dice' there are many people can't help or deny another important discovery of the 20th century physics that was called quantum mechanics and its founding principle -- the uncertainty principle.  The uncertainty principle was saying that human can only measure position and speed of an object to a certain degree of accuracy.  If the position is too accurate, then the speed or mass measurement would be way off.  On the other hand, if the measurement of speed and mass are too accurate, then the position measurement would be way off.  Such a trade-off between measuring position and momentum can be represented as: 
 ∆x∆p >= h/2 
meaning the standard deviation or the inaccuracy of measuring positions multiplied by the inaccuracy of measuring momentums, by the way momentum is the 'mass' multiplied by 'speed', should always be greater than half of "h".  This letter "h" stands for the Planck constant, which converts frequency of light / electromagnetic waves to energy in the equation of E=hv.  We see this limitation of human observation at something much less than the microscopic scale is also determined by attributes of light.  It's hairy to notice how E=hv looks like E=mc^2.  One would have thought those two equations were cousins. 

