With uncertainty principle came quantum theories and quantum physics. Quantum theory was mainly saying that in the very small world at the nuclear level, numbers were not continuous. Numbers come in 1, 2, 3 . . ., but there is no number between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3, etc. much like a gambler rolling a die. Quantum physics was saying a dot is not really one static dot as we traditionally thought it was. When a dot is small enough to be under the control of uncertainty principle, the dot appear to be jumping and appearing at multiple places at simultaneously. Neither the location nor the time of the dot can be pin-pointed precisely, like the animal heads sticking out in a game of 'Whac-A-Mole'. This description of a dot in quantum physics is like the religious description of a God to be omnipresent everywhere and all the time, but just by some probability the God will meet someone at somewhere during a certain time period, like God has more probability to appear in a church or a congregation than in a motel or a Casino. How cool is that? The the absolute truth about truth is that there is no absolute truth, but uncertainty principles. But there are always a probability equations or defined tendencies about where or when the dot or the God could appear. The defined 'probability' is the reason why a picture of nuclear was commonly drawn in the shapes of a circle, a dumb bell or in the shape of a four winged butterfly. How much does this defined region of 'probability' of presence of small dots or electrons remind us of what we see in the observable world? Is it the reason why people felt that God were most likely to show among religious people, during meditation, church gathering, or the weak moments when humans feel weak, such as through sickness, divorce, unemployment or right before dying. People from the West and East also believe evil has higher probability of appearing in the darkness. People who believe in 'Yin' and 'Yang' also believe that sickness such as cold or flu would appear to be more severe during the darkness of nights. These are high probability areas of God or Evil, but other areas, although blank are still probable to have the presence of supernatural beings. Like Jesus said that there would be different results by spreading seeds of gospel on the road as oppose to in the thorn, on the rocks or among good soils. But since 'with God everything is possible', there could still be harvest in the land with little fertilities." Wise Guy interrupted David and said: "Hold, hold, hold. I thought that we were talking about small molecule, particles, objects . . . actually things smaller than I can describe with words, why were you trying to exchange those small things with God and illness, things that we can see and observe"? "Are God and illness things that you can observe"? David asked calmly. "What did you see from things such as an Alzheimer, AIDS, loss of consciousness, numbness of limbs after anesthetics or even a hangover after a drink?" "What I meant was things in the world that we can see and touch are not the kind of things that we think as the world affected by quantum physics. I remember back in the school days, when we learned quantum mechanics we used to cite the poem 横看成岭侧成峰 to describe the course, similar to how you guys described structural geology. It seemed those senior scientists were merely speculating what they observed, formed their guesses and then just sold those guesses as theories to the academia to make a living. But we rarely think what happened in the quantum scale had much to do with what happened in the visible world, society or even in the realms of religion". David took over the conversation again and said: "Ahah, the magic of 'perspective' or the view point of looking at things. Under the light, each observer looks at things with a unique view point. Einstein looked at things from a grand scale with a traveling speed approaching the speed of light, he saw many weird things such as disappearance of time mingling into space and he saw E=mc^2. Newton never traveled that close to the speed of light, and he used the established 'isolation methodology' in physics to come up with his three famous laws plus the law of gravity. Galileo Galilei looked at the universe with 'isolation methodology' also and came up with his share of laws of physics. The 'isolation methodology' was talking about isolating out a small area of studying target for the absolute truth to be drawn. Usually, when people look at an isolated incidence or object, they can tell whether it is black or white. It's when people are looking at a too large or too small an object, they can't tell whether that object is black or white with certainty. Artists can look at the clouds from both sides and describe the clouds as either "fairy canyon" or "rain and slow on everyone". Politicians could always repeat their lies for more than three times and general populace would believe them and go even as far as going to war with them. Clergymen could tell politicians the sovereignty of their countries belong to or not belong to Jesus Christ, and kings or knights would raise their banners to proclaim justice was on their sides. Yes, all the spin doctors seemed to work in the visible world which is different from the invisible world where quantum physics and uncertainty principle rules, but do you remember the famous experiment called 'Schrödinger's cat', or in plain English, it is the effect of a snow ball'? Wise Guy shook his head hesitantly and said: "I can barely remember, but the snowball effect is reminding me about that experiment". "Wale (Well)" David tried to apply a kind of West Virginia accent that he learned from a co-workers, but didn't notice his friend got the humor out of his funny accent. "I am sure you know about the avalanche effects, or the game of slot machine or the popular Japanese game called Pachinko. In the case of an avalanche, the drop of a small particle on the very edge of the mountain could mean the life and death for residents on the north, east, west or south side of the foot hill. But who is going to die is really a luck of the draw, and such luck could be determined by something in the quantum world -- an invisible world. Can the same thing be said about a hurricane or a typhoon, where and when the first particle trigger the first rain drop? Can the result of a slot machine or Pachinko cause the make or break of a marriage or someone's life or death? It's just in science that physicists or chemists like to give such quantum effects a fancy name such as 'Schrödinger's cat' . . . "