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"I am sorry, I still can't remember the cat.  Is that from your extra-curriculum reading?  You worked harder than I did without getting better grade." Wise Guy winked at his friend? "Oh, wait . . . I remember now, you meant the 'cat experiment' by that mathematical guy who made those probability equations for clouds of electrons".   
"That's the guy" David nodded.  "He imagined a totally confined cage with nothing but a unpredictable atom, a Geiger counter, a bottle of poison gas (cyanide) whose bottle is open or shut by the Geiger counter. In such a confined environment, the life or death of the cat, something visible, would be dependent on the quantum effect of that single atom, something invisible.  So the visible world could be very much dependent on quantum effects.  At the moment of big bang, when the world was so quantum, God was doing nothing but rolling the dice.  Did that small original point of the universe, which was completely out of 'nothingness', 'emptiness' explode this way or that way, did it explode into one or two or billions of universes at the same time, how far away, how distant in time apart were those universes?  As far as man can observe with the limitation of light, the universe simply came out of emptiness '无中生有' and those men just started minding their own business.  That is not the most interesting part yet, as scientists noticed out of their study of super nova, the universe seemed to be running away and going towards the ultimate emptiness, unless their earlier belief that there would be a 'big crunch' after a 'big bang'.  Don't you feel it is quite funny that scientific study of the universe is pointing to the conclusion that everything came out of emptiness and will end with emptiness (万事源于空, 归于空)?  We could have just learned to be Buddhism monks many years ago." 
 Like always, Wise Guy likes to question hypothesis made by his friend, so he changed the discussion about the physical world into the biological world: "As I recall, most theories in physics or even theory of relativity were descriptions about confined or isolated systems.  Even when Einstein was studying the entire universe, he tend to 'isolate' a small portion of the world and say that was when his theory generated identical results as Newtonian physics.  You mentioned that the direction of 'time' always point to the same direction along with the increase of entropy, aging or decay, spreading of the heat in the cold or spreading of the cold in the heat, but the move towards chaos and increase of entropy wasn't always good description in the biological world or an open system.  In biological world flow of time not necessarily bringing decay, but also brings birth, growth, maturity, rebirth, rejuvenation, fruit out of filth, soil or fertilizers.  We see flowers out of dirt, lilies out of mud, similar to in the society we may see justice coming out of evil, order coming out of chaos, cleanliness out of muddy, clarity out of vagueness, . . " 
 David said: "Phew, that's scary.  Since we have never learned much about biology, sometimes I felt scary seeing new life growing out of nowhere.  I often ask myself if all things in the universe are pointing to the fact that the universe is nothing but an illusion, were we merely witnessing another set of illusion or another set of universe when a new life came out of emptiness in this big universe that originally came out of another emptiness?  After all they can be many black holes in a universe.  Are we witnessing big bang everywhere in this universe that originates from many other big bangs?  When I heard that anti-American idol William Hung singing 'She Bangs, She Bangs', then I truly believed that we were witnessing people generating something out of nothing just by banging.  All of the imagination in the universe that comes with life really came out of nowhere and there are a lot of things that we can't explain.  Explaining the world away is where God, Scientists, philosophers come into play and apply their trades. 
But all the things coming out of nothingness have similarities.  'Walter Disney company came out of a single mouse', 'great computers came out of two numbers 0 and 1', 'all the cells in a human body originate from one single cell', 'God created the world in sever days', '盘古开天地', '太极生两仪, 两仪生四向, 四向生八卦', 'a tumor also start from one single cell' don't you see some kind of traceable yet invisible and incomprehensible common theme among these things?  Aren't all these things coming out of some sort of bang from nothing?" 
 Wise Guy looked at his watch and said: "Well you know, I am a politician / businessman these days and I don't read scientific journal any more.  Once in a while, I read an article or two in the paper talking about Einstein, which were related to what you just said about study of Super Nova.  The article said there are people started believing that 'cosmological constant' introduced by Einstein again.  The reason that they re-accepted the anti-gravity or 'cosmological constant idea' was that the identifiable substances in the universe was only a very small percentage of the entire universe, just like there is much smaller percentage of land on the Earth vs. a much larger percentage of water on this Earth.  So they using the 'unknown' and 'unidentifiable' portion of the universe pretty much like how you used the word 'emptiness', as an excuse or a place holder". 
 David laughed a little and said: "Another proof that there is nothing new under the sun.  Whether it's 'dark matter', 'dark energy' or 'matters we know', were they all 'energy' as E in the E=mc^2?  It's like that 70's show or some 70's actors would be popular in the 90's again.  Science is nothing new under the Sun either". 

